Triopan Helios Master yellow 2-sided
Triopan Helios flashing lights/warning lights with 1- or 2-sided flashing/flashing function impress with their simple operation and extreme durability. They are also available in different colors or color combinations. For simple and safe construction site protection.
Diameter flash: 200 mm
flash function: both sides
Single, double and triple flash
Double battery housing (without holder), large bracket, super LED with extremely high energy efficiency and lifetime, no bulb replacement
Technical data:
Luminous intensity 270 cd, light color yellow, flashing rate 60 flash/min.
Operating time with battery equipment at 20 degrees Celsius:
Dry cell battery type 800:
Single flash: 150 hrs.
Double flash: 100 hrs.
Triple flash: 50 hrs.
Triopan long-life battery:
Single flash: 920 hr.
Double flash: 680 hrs.
Triple flash: 500 hrs.
Links, Downloads and Stories! (28)
- Triopan AG
Pdf Docs
- Ficha de produto TRI-777784 PT.pdf (272 KB)
- Ficha del producto TRI-777784 ES.pdf (271 KB)
- Fiche produit TRI-777784 FR.pdf (272 KB)
- Fișa produsului TRI-777784 RO.pdf (282 KB)
- Helios_Master_Ersatzteile_deutsch.pdf (2 MB)
- Karta produktu TRI-777784 PL.pdf (279 KB)
- List izdelka TRI-777784 SL.pdf (281 KB)
- Product sheet TRI-777784 EN.pdf (270 KB)
- Productblad TRI-777784 NL.pdf (271 KB)
- Produkta lapa TRI-777784 LV.pdf (280 KB)
- Produktark TRI-777784 NB.pdf (271 KB)
- Produktblad TRI-777784 DA.pdf (271 KB)
- Produktblad TRI-777784 SV.pdf (271 KB)
- Produktblatt TRI-777784 DE.pdf (271 KB)
- Produkto lapas TRI-777784 LT.pdf (282 KB)
- Produktový list TRI-777784 CS.pdf (280 KB)
- Produktový list TRI-777784 SK.pdf (280 KB)
- Scheda prodotto TRI-777784 IT.pdf (271 KB)
- Terméklap TRI-777784 HU.pdf (280 KB)
- Toote leht TRI-777784 ET.pdf (271 KB)
- Triopan Image-Flyer_mulitlingual.pdf (3 MB)
- tuoteseloste TRI-777784 FI.pdf (271 KB)
- Ürün sayfası TRI-777784 TR.pdf (277 KB)
- Warnleuchten_und_Leuchtstaebe_.pdf (5 MB)
- Φύλλο προϊόντος TRI-777784 EL.pdf (285 KB)
- Листок з описом продукції TRI-777784 UK.pdf (282 KB)
- Продуктов лист TRI-777784 BG.pdf (281 KB)