ZIROCCO - Road dryer

ZIROCCO (formerly ATT Applied Turbine Technology) from Denmark has been known for years as an innovative company for drying roads and other surfaces.

Especially in the drying of asphalt surfaces for road marking, Zirocco road dryers are an indispensable tool for many road marking companies to complete their work on time.

With the introduction of the Hammer Jet, the company has scored a new coup. With this low-cost device, even a marking company specializing in small markings is able to complete jobs in adverse weather conditions that would otherwise have to be postponed. This is currently the only portable road drying device. In addition to road marking work, it is also suitable for drying cracks before jointing with bitumen or for drying surfaces in the area of expansion joint renovation. It is also used for drying surfaces in the area of roof renovation.
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