Von Arx - FR 200 with electric motor - 2.2 kW, 230 V / 50 Hz
Item number: ARX - 701449G
Available in:
AT, on request
The FR 200 offers a very wide range of performance. It ranges from simple cleaning tasks to difficult demarcation work in the road marking area. Thanks to its compact size and ease of use, this allows very precise work on small and medium-sized indoor and outdoor surfaces.
The drum can be equipped with different types of cutters. A change of drum is done in about 2 minutes.
This makes the FR 200 the ideal machine for fast and varied applications. It is available as a gasoline or electric machine. The side mill is not allowed to be put into operation together with the main drum (only for the 1.5 kW engine).
Side distance to wall:: ca. 54 mm
Working with: 200 mm
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- von arx Sissach Switzerland
Pdf Docs
- Bodenfräsen-DE.pdf (12 MB)
- Ficha de produto ARX - 701449 PT.pdf (626 KB)
- Ficha del producto ARX - 701449 ES.pdf (626 KB)
- Fiche produit ARX - 701449 FR.pdf (626 KB)
- Fișa produsului ARX - 701449 RO.pdf (636 KB)
- FR_200_Manual_multilingual.pdf (3 MB)
- FR_200_multilingual.pdf (7 MB)
- Karta produktu ARX - 701449 PL.pdf (638 KB)
- List izdelka ARX - 701449 SL.pdf (637 KB)
- Product sheet ARX - 701449 EN.pdf (625 KB)
- Productblad ARX - 701449 NL.pdf (624 KB)
- Produkta lapa ARX - 701449 LV.pdf (635 KB)
- Produktark ARX - 701449 NB.pdf (629 KB)
- Produktblad ARX - 701449 DA.pdf (625 KB)
- Produktblad ARX - 701449 SV.pdf (625 KB)
- Produktblatt ARX - 701449 DE.pdf (629 KB)
- Produkto lapas ARX - 701449 LT.pdf (636 KB)
- Produktový list ARX - 701449 CS.pdf (637 KB)
- Produktový list ARX - 701449 SK.pdf (637 KB)
- Scheda prodotto ARX - 701449 IT.pdf (626 KB)
- Terméklap ARX - 701449 HU.pdf (635 KB)
- Toote leht ARX - 701449 ET.pdf (624 KB)
- tuoteseloste ARX - 701449 FI.pdf (624 KB)
- Ürün sayfası ARX - 701449 TR.pdf (639 KB)
- Φύλλο προϊόντος ARX - 701449 EL.pdf (640 KB)
- Листок з описом продукції ARX - 701449 UK.pdf (640 KB)
- Продуктов лист ARX - 701449 BG.pdf (636 KB)